Wednesday 3 March 2010

However equal women get they will still have to do the cleaning

A lengthy and positive discussion today with 'New Feminist' Kat Banyard, who talked about the recent surge of support for equal opportunities and the desexualisation of women. She ended by saying that it is both men and women who are campaigning for this, illustrating her point with an anecdote about an enthusiastic young man at a recent march, which was then shat on from a great height by Jenni Murray who sarcastically quipped 'But will he know how to change a nappy and use a hoover?'

Ah, indeed. Men may indeed be capable of being as passionate about equality as women, but they're never going to be able to do household chores - a women's work is never done! As if Jenni Murray would even let a man try to clean her kitchen (or indeed change her nappy).

And so one of the show's more encouraging items was neatly written off by a myth about the domestic uselessness of men combined with a subtle insinuation about what jobs women really ought to be doing. Kat Banyard could do worse than to add getting rid of Woman's Hour to her list of campaigning issues...