Wednesday, 9 June 2010

Women are too serious, men are obsessed with bodily functions

Woman's Hour was in characteristic form this morning in a discussion about why there are so few women cartoonists. Whilst the Guardian's Nicola Jennings stopped short of actually saying that women aren't funny, she managed to imply it by admitting that she felt that women are basically a bit too serious for the job.

But it was only as Jenni Murray asked in a baffled and weary tone why men put condoms and bottoms into their satirical cartoons that Nicola Jennings came out with her most astonishing revelation, that 'men are obsessed with their bodily functions, quite simply.'

At least somebody is telling it like it is: men are just filthy, aren't they? If only Ms Jennings wasn't too serious to draw a satirical cartoon about it.

Not quite sure where all the successful female stand-ups who do routines about menstruation and pubic hair fit in, though. I suppose they're either the exception that prove the rule, or they're just not as serious as they ought to be...

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