Tuesday, 23 February 2010

Films are for boys, women have to make do with TV

Hooray for Julianne Moore (or, as she was apparently called by her classmates, Freckle-Face Strawberry), who was on hand today to answer that age-old question: why do you never see women in the cinema?

It came down to that good old woman's hour assertion that they're simply too busy.

"It's hard for us to get out and go to the movies... I mean, I don't go out at night. [...] I think women have a tendency to watch television a lot more."

This is apparently the reason why the movie industy is currently making "lots of graphic spectacle movies which will travel globally" - but, as Jane Garvey sagely pointed out, "they're for young boys" (cf. Titanic, Alice in Wonderland and the everso masculine The Curious Case of Benjamin Button).

Freckle-Face then had a good rant about all the films being made that don't have women in them, which put me in mind of all those womanless films I've seen, like...


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