Tuesday, 16 February 2010

Women are supportive, men are bulls

In today's programme, psychologist Professor Richard Wiseman revealed why giving things up for Lent is so much easier for women:

"[Women] tend to be very supportive to one another - guys, when they hear that their friend is trying to lose weight or whatever, it's a red rag to a bull, they just do everything they can to make the person fail."

Bloody men - it's a wonder they ever get anything done, the way they deliberately set out to undermine each other. And thank goodness that Jenni Murray was there to add her own experience to the debate: "Yes, I've seen guys operating like that, somebody's trying to give up drinking and, 'oh come on mate, have a pint!' - yes, you're definitely right about that." Presumably the fact that she did a quasi-Northern accent for the man in question says something equally profound about the differences between the genders.

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